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Seattle Boat Show

Started by Kimbrey, January 23, 2011, 05:42:09 PM

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Stopped by the Seattle Boat Show this morning.  Lots & lots of neat toys (boats and accessories).  The people that have the consignment place where I bought my boat were there representing Evinrude.  It was good to talk to them to get a few pointers on my engine.  Arima had a good display with several models on the floor of most sizes.  Sea Legend, Chasers etc.  I don't remember if the 21" Sea Ranger was displayed.  Don was there so I was able to pick his brain on a few things I want to do to my boat.  I was there about 1030 so parking was easy and the crowds weren't too bad.
2005 Sea Legend --Sold--replaced with 26' Duckworth—Sold—replaced with 28' Farallon Walkaround


My wife and I hit the show yesterday afternoon (Saturday, before the family visiting festivities began for the weekend).

They did have a nice 21' Ranger hardtop there (also a 17' Ranger, 19' Ranger and 16' Chaser in soft top varieties, and the 22 Sea Legend).  When we first got there (around 1:30) that booth was hopping (I think it was one of the Seattle-area Arima dealers booths, Don was just there answering questions).  Was good to see so many folks at the show, and the Arima booth in particular.  Hopefully a sign that the economy is turning around.

We met up with Enniberg (Johan) and his lovely wife Paula at 3:00 at the Pyramid brew pub up the street.  Was nice to put faces to names, and talk boats and fishing for a while (I think we bored both of our wives to tears).  When Johan and his wife departed to head back up to Vancouver, Katherine and I grabbed a bite to eat then went back to the show.  The crowds had cleared by then (maybe 5:30) and we were able to hang out and chat with Don for 20-30 minutes.  Was great, even got some tips on super-secret halibut spots in the Straight, and some advice on future boat upgrades!

The Seattle show is MUCH bigger than our dinky little Portland show, with a much larger selection of glass boats (basically the same on aluminums though).  Was nice to be able to check out Stripers/Trophies/Grady Whites/etc...  I loved the 21' and 22' Arimas, but we were nearly led astray by a beautiful Defiance 22' pilot house right next door for an amazingly low price.

If anyone is looking to repower and has the $$ for a new motor, Kitsap Marine has some amazing boat show prices going.  90 hp E-Tec for $6700, 90 HP Suzuki or Yamaha 4 Strokes for $7,000.  Still expensive, but way cheaper than they were when I was shopping a couple years ago.

Also found some nice deals on some fishing tackle.  Ended up buying a few more Berkley gulp halibut jigs, some glow in the dark skirts, etc... from Sportco.  There was an outfit from up in Belingham that had a nice Canadian style direct drive salmon reel and rod (Daiwa brand) combo for $85.  Nearly bought one just for the novelty of it.
Former Sea Chaser 17 owner
Defiance 250 Admiral, twin Yamaha 150's and T9.9

"Never turn your back on fear. It should always be in front of you, like a thing that might have to be killed."
       --- Hunter S. Thompson


With a name of "Threeweight" I assumed you were a fly rodder.  When I started going over to the "Dark" side (fishing something other than fly rods) I bought the Diawa mooching reel...IE direct drive.  Loads of fun.  I'm still mainly a fly rodder but it's fun with the "Dark" side fishing gear
2005 Sea Legend --Sold--replaced with 26' Duckworth—Sold—replaced with 28' Farallon Walkaround


Yep, I used to fly fish a lot more (still do some).  When I first started fishing the Deschutes in Oregon for trout, I did it with a tiny little 7' three weight rod I picked up for catching little 8-10" cutthroat in creeks.  My buddies had a good laugh at me attempting to land angry 20" Deschutes redsides on that rod, and the name stuck.
Former Sea Chaser 17 owner
Defiance 250 Admiral, twin Yamaha 150's and T9.9

"Never turn your back on fear. It should always be in front of you, like a thing that might have to be killed."
       --- Hunter S. Thompson